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Ausblick Feb 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Looking back at our first two months of the 2021-22 snowsports season, one might really be looking forward to the rising temperatures and sunny days during the next several weeks of this season. We’ve had some cold, wind, way too many flat light days, plus freezing rain & snow as was the case in last Tuesday’s Men’s Day Event.  Funny thing is those annoying days will quickly become “deck stories” very soon as our spring season approaches bringing us longer daylight, sun and warmer weather to enjoy two rapidly approaching events.

Our annual Ski Patrol Carnival will be held this Sunday, February 27th. Anyone who’s ever attended will attest to the outstanding job our patrol does in hosting an entire day of events our Membership and Guests look forward especially the kids. Parents, keep in mind this is the only fundraiser our patrol stages annually, so please consider purchasing raffle tickets when you arrive. Ask any patroller for details.

And then just two weeks later, our Anniversary Celebration will host an event everyone should consider attending. Saturday, March 12th will be our celebration of Dennis Evinrude’s 50 years as General Manager here at Ausblick. Several notices have already been sent out by the events group, however one cannot understate the planning and work that several people have put into making this a daylong event Dennis will remember forever. There will be presentations beginning at 11:30am, with food & beverage served afterwards followed by the remainder of the day for everyone to visit with Dennis. There’s been a huge outreach effort to locate members going all the way back, so if you’ve been around for a while, don’t be surprised if you reunite with someone from the past.

There have been several questions regarding thoughts of what to get Dennis, should someone want to show their appreciation. After consideration, we decided to provide a “card drop” of some type at the front desk. Anyone can leave a card with a personal message, and if you might be interested in contributing to a Dennis & Cindy 50th Anniversary Vacation, either personally handing the card to Dennis or using the card drop box would be your suggested options. By the end of the 2021-22 season, I’d imagine Dennis will need to do some serious winding down.

Managing to get the snowmaking system completed prior to our 50th Anniversary season, along with all the extra events planned and executed has been overwhelming at times. I would hope March 12th would be an absolutely wonderful and memorable day of recognition for Dennis. Sometimes all it takes is to show up, say Thank You and exchange a few kind words to make one’s day.

March 12th, 10am – 11pm, watch for more reminders and please sign up if you’ll be there for the food & beverage after the presentations at 11:30am.

Bob Turowski
President – Ausblick Ski Club

Ausblick Jan 2022 Newsletter

We’ve been open a month now and as most things follow patterns in life; the Holidays are behind us, routines are re-established and much has returned to normal. Typically that can be said for the Operations here at Ausblick, referring to seasonal personnel getting up to speed, Snowsports adjusting to the overwhelming demand this season and membership and guests settling into a new snowsports season at Ausblick.

As with every year, the first 30 days shake out a few experiences to be shared with a reminder in hopes of improving things, to which first is safety on the hill. To date there have been a couple incidents involving collisions while skiing which warrant reminding everyone on the hill to be aware of those around them at all times. Along the same lines, it’s very important to be aware of traffic in the parking areas. At times there are a lot of parents and children in these areas, so please proceed carefully while driving in the parking areas.

Many have commented about the huge increase in children frequenting our club over the past two years. This is a wonderful trend, although it does increase the odds of mistaken identity, not necessarily speaking of the kids, but certainly their equipment upon leaving the club. We’ve experienced several cases of kid’s equipment leaving with the wrong owner. Any parent will attest to the frustration that causes if one has a race or vacation approaching. Parents, please use some means to mark their equipment to facilitate recovering any lost equipment promptly. Those address tags everyone gets in the mail are an easy means of tagging equipment, among several other methods.

This season’s Membership Directories are now available at the front desk.  Please stop by and pick one up. There’s lots of interesting club info within it, including the contact information of the family who’s kid’s equipment mistakenly found its way to your home. J

Looking forward into the season, February’s schedule has another Ladies Day Scheduled on 2/17 and our second Men’s Day set for 2/22. Pictures of the January events are posted on the Ausblick website under the Photo’s tab.  Our Ski Patrol has scheduled their Annual Carnival for Sunday, February 27th this season. This is a very popular family event, so mark those calendars. Adult Wednesday Evenings are gaining popularity as the season progresses. Live Music has been scheduled for five consecutive Wednesday evenings starting 2/16. These are always popular “date nights” for members and guests.

Two important final reminders, first I’d like to recognize our Snowsports Director Lynn Mallach and her instructors for their efforts instructing all those kids taking advantage of our program lessons.  It’s so important our kids learn to ski & board for all the obvious reasons. We all benefit from their success with their students while skiing at Ausblick. With that in mind, I’d ask everyone to be mindful of their classes and students while on the hill. Secondly, I’d like to recognize Kyle Martola and his operations team for the great job they’re doing maintaining our ski runs and lift operations. Without their efforts and creativity in grooming, getting us to the top, etc.………. well, use your imagination. Kudo’s to all.

Wrapping this up with a reminder we’re celebrating Dennis Evinrude’s 50th year as General Manager here at Ausblick on Saturday, March 12th. February into April is when the weather warms up, Membership use increases, the deck becomes the place to hang out and all sorts of new friendships and memories are made. It seemed only fitting that celebrating Dennis’ anniversary during our “high season” was the perfect time to recognize his achievement. Please mark your calendar for the event and watch for future details regarding the “event of the 21-22 season” here at Ausblick Ski Club.

Bob Turowski – President


Celebrating 50th Anniversary



Ausblick Ski Hill was founded 50 years ago – the same year Dennis Evinrude joined the hill as its general manager. This year we celebrate our 50th season.

Dennis Evinrude, Ausblick’s General Manager, brought his vision to the ski area in 1972 and has been working to develop and improve the available recreational opportunities and facilities ever since.

“Ausblick was built upon the dreams of ski enthusiasts 50 years ago, and we are proud of what we’ve accomplished in the time since,” says Ausblick President Robert Turowski. “We have evolved through the years into a membership of families, wonderful friendships and generations of memories of the Ausblick experience”.

About Ausblick

Ausblick (which means “scenic view or overlook” or, if you rearrange the letters, “A Ski Club”) was established in the late 1940’s by Reverend Raphael Hockhaus, a WWII combat chaplain. Reverent Hockhaus founded Marquette University’s Avalanche Club in 1948.

As he was searching for a ski hill for the club, he figured it was Divine Providence that led him to the current site of Ausblick.

In 1970, facing the prospect of costly upgrades, Marquette University reluctantly sold the hill to a private corporation. Ready, Inc. expanded the lodge and added the first of many improvements, including snowmaking and grooming equipment, and the first triple chair lift in Wisconsin.

After three unsuccessful years of operation, the site was sold again. Ausblick, Inc. was established in 1973 as a non-stock, non-profit corporation. Visit our website for more history Here.

Join Us New Years Day January 1st 2022

10am – 12pm

  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Loading of The Golden Chair
  • First 50 Ausblick Members in chairlift line receive a gift
  • Unveiling Of The Logo “Slide Through The Decades With Ausblick”
  • Enjoy Wassail, Hot Cholate and S’mores
  • Hope To See You All There
  • Watch For Emails Throughout the Season On The 50th Anniversary Celebration
  • Don’t Forget to Check Thursdays Facebook for
  • “Throwback Thursdays Photo Contest and Posting”

Ausblick Dec 2021 Newsletter

While we are all looking forward to our record “50th Anniversary Celebration”, who would have ever thought record warm temperatures would be impacting our ability to kick-off our “20-’21 Snowsports season. The above picture may provide some optimism as we look forward to colder weather so Kyle and staff can fire up our snowmaking system. Keep in mind, we’ll need several days of those nights in the low 20’s and below to provide a base sufficient enough to enjoy our Christmas Week and Race camp activities.

Another area being impacted by our weather delayed opening is the 50th. Celebration Planning. While initially certain activities were hoped to be scheduled for an earlier opening day, the Holidays fall on weekends this season which have caused those planning the kick-off to work around Christmas. As it might seem that getting our 50th off the ground is a bit trying to date, let’s hope all the speed bumps are left behind on December 31st because I’m told January 1st is the date to plan to be here for Ausblick Anniversary Celebration kick-off.

50th Anniversary clothing and collectables can be ordered off our website under the Clothing tab and shipped to your home or picked up at Ausblick. Please check it out, there’s some neat stuff to be ordered, however availability may be limited, so shop and order early in the season.

Obviously, some snowsports lessons booked early will need to be rescheduled, so please contact Lynn at skischool@ausblick.org or off the Departments Tab on our website.

We thank everyone for their patience and understanding of the delay in opening because of the unusually mild weather. We’re entering that period when we typically open annually, however we may be faced with a week delay this season. While the bright side may be those who haven’t completed their holiday shopping can do so in mild temperatures, at this point it’s looking as though Christmas Week activities are still something to look forward to. And it’s not likely they’ll be in sub-zero temperatures as was the case in the not too distant past.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all.

Bob Turowski

President-Ausblick Ski Club

Ausblick Nov 2021 Newsletter

Snowflakes have been seen, the Holiday preparation season is upon us, another “opening day” is quickly approaching and this snowsports season will be like no other Ausblick has experienced to date. This season marks TWO huge milestones, that of our Ausblick Ski Club and our General Manager Dennis Evinrude, both celebrating 50 YEARS serving our Membership. Once we’re underway, we’ll be “Sliding through the Decades” with activities, memories and memorabilia to mark the occasion leading up to what everyone anticipates will be Aublick Ski Club’s most memorable celebration and honoring Dennis Evinrude’s 50 years of guiding our development and influencing the experience we all enjoy at our club.

As one might imagine, planning an event as important as our 50th is no small task and to dovetail the uncertainty of mother nature when it comes to scheduled events might prove risky at best. With that in mind, I’ve been informed everyone should watch for communications of events, fun “pop-up” activities, opportunities to purchase Ausblick 50th memorabilia and also how you can provide personal pictures as the season evolves. Our communication channels will be e-mail/constant contact, so please insure we have your correct contact information on file. Social Media will also be a source for some interesting flashbacks over the years, so if you’re not following Ausblick, you might check us out.

Anyone interested in the Ausblick Ski Club history should visit our Webpage at “ausblick.org/about/ausblick-history-organization/” for an in depth appreciation of our club’s Interesting beginnings. And while our Ski Club’s story is interesting enough, realizing that General Manager Dennis Evinrude was here from the beginning truly exhibits a dedication to the commitment of building The Finest Membership Ski Club in the Midwest. For generations we have all created Friendships and Memories here at Ausblick and this season I suspect many of the memories will be viewed and talked about as we Slide through the Decades this season. Watch for details coming your way throughout the season.

Bob Turowski – President, Ausblick Ski Club

Ausblick October 2021 Newsletter

Dear Ausblick Member,

Fall is in the air, cooler weather is refreshing as the leaves are about to burst into a landscape of natural beauty. Mother Nature is hard at work preparing for the transition into winter; as is the staff at Ausblick wrapping things up in preparation for our 2021-2022 snowsports season. This newsletter is to inform everyone of how this upcoming season’s shaping up.

Let’s begin with our social schedule already determined. While notices have been sent out, I’ll remind everyone that our Annual Ski Swap will be held Sunday, October 3rd, at 12-noon (rain date: Oct 10th). Formats the same as last year, so if you’re interested, please contact Dennis Evinrude at DEvinrude@Ausblick.org.

Next up is the Badger Tailgate on November 6th, please RSVP to Mike Wichert at wickski@me.com. Both the Ski Swap and Badger Tailgate notices have been published on the Ausblick Ski Club Facebook page and via Constant Contact to your e-mail of record.

For those of you who like to schedule out, this year we will not be holding an “RSVP New Year’s Eve Event” as in the past. Ausblick will be open December 31st to all members and guests. We encourage everyone to personalize their own celebration, bring guests and simply enjoy your club! Our lifts will close at 11:30pm, followed by our lodge closing at 12:30am.

Men’s and Ladies Day events will once again be held this season. Dates are still under consideration and details will be announced as they become available.

March is always a special month at Ausblick when it comes to events, and this March 13th. has been selected to Celebrate General Manager Dennis Evinrude’s 50th. Anniversary at Ausblick Ski Club. The party’s already being planned, so please “save the date” and watch for an E-Vite in your mailbox as we finalize approach our season opening.

If you might be interested in becoming involved in the planning and organizing of events at your ski club, please contact Lynn Mallach at skischool@ausblick.org and ask her for details. It’s a great way to meet members and begin new friendships.

If there’s any curiosity out there about activity at your ski club this off-season, I’d encourage a drive-by to check it out. The staff and contractors have been working diligently at completing the remaining snowmaking infrastructure, lighting additions, and a new building at the base of Race Run for electric requirements. Our pond at the top of the hill is now abandoned and plans are to be completely on the new upgraded system for the season. This has been a very busy season, so don’t hesitate to offer your Thanks to Kyle and his staff & contractors for all the efforts in making this a huge step forward this summer.

In the August Newsletter I mentioned our Membership renewal rate was significantly ahead of previous years. I’ve been informed that we’ve reached our 400 voting memberships limit and therefore membership for Family, Associates and Single memberships are no longer available for the 2021-2022 season. Please contact Dennis Evinrude our Membership Chair regarding the availability of corporate memberships.

While we recognize the good fortune in filling our membership limits at a record pace, we also are sensitive to the clubs growing Wait List. Applications continue to come in and as a result, our SnowSports Director Lynn Mallach has decided to offer snowsports packages those on the Wait List. These packages will have include cost for lift tickets. Lynn’s goal is to offer limited program access to those waiting to join Ausblick, so if you’re on our Wait List, please watch for details coming your way.

In closing I’d like to remind everyone that our primary method of contacting you is via e-mail. Social Media is used for social notices, however it’s very important to ensure we have your current e-mail to afford getting information to you. Having pointed that out, I’d like to wish everyone a wonderful Fall Season, get out there and enjoy it!

Bob Turowski, President

Ausblick August 2021 Newsletter

Summer’s nearly over, some mornings you can feel Fall is in the air, as the saying goes. I hope everyone has been enjoying your favorite summer pastimes and the warm weather we’ve had the past few months.

There are a few items of interest that I believe may be worth passing on at this time. Our Annual Membership Meeting was held Wednesday, August 18th. at Ausblick; during which both Scott Grady and Mike Guetzke were re-elected to the Ausblick Board for another three year term. Elected to backfill the vacant opening as a result of Mark Wierman’s decision not to run for re-election, Mike Senkbeil has now joined the Ausblick Board. The Board is sincerely Thankful to Mark for the 6 ½ years he has contributed as a valued board member. Looking forward, I’m confident Mike’s broad business experience will certainly be an asset to the Board.

Possibly of more interest may be the rate at which members are rejoining Ausblick and the growth of our Wait List for new members. Comparatively looking at last August (20-21) membership renewals rate, verses this August (21-22), renewals are coming in much faster pace than previous years. Here’s the process; Members of the previous year are invoiced before anyone on the Wait List. Our By-Laws and Conditional Use Permit restrict us to no more than 400 Family, Associate & Single memberships in total. Currently there are only 33 available remaining for the 21-22 season, so if you’ve been invoiced, please consider securing your membership before they’re all filled. Once renewals of last season’s members stop coming in, we start invoicing those on the Wait List. Our Waiting List currently has 163 applications as of my writing this newsletter. Wait List applicants respond quickly once invoiced. Please be aware.

Questions regarding membership can be directed to Dennis Evinrude at DEvinrude@ausblick.org.

Many of our long tenured members have experienced the slow progress made in working towards the completion of our clubs Long Range Plan. Since most of the past few years work has been underground snowmaking infrastructure, it can be difficult to recognize. I’m excited to announce that work is currently underway that should complete the replacement and upgrade of our entire snowmaking system, positioning us to abandon the cooling pond at the top of the hill. Further, the addition of a third pump will significantly increase the volume of our snowmaking during optimal temperatures. Along with this summer’s project will be replacement of wiring to the lights and the addition of several additional lights on our ski hill. After this season our focus will be to obtain enough material to backfill the abandoned pond and progressively work towards expanding our ski runs, ultimately wrapping up Phases 3 & 4 of the Long Range Plan. Phase 5 will require a lot of fill material prior to placing that new chairlift we’ve talked since the completion of our Equipment Building in 2010.

Dennis, Kyle and staff have been very busy this summer getting everything ready for the 2021-22 snowsports season. My sincere appreciation to all of them for their efforts and dedication to our Ski Club.

In closing I’d like to remind everyone of our annual ski swap scheduled for Sunday, October 3rd. Watch for details to be sent out during the month of September.

Bob Turowski, President
Ausblick Ski Club

Dennis Evinrude’s 50th Anniversary Milestone!

On Wednesday evening the Ausblick Board presented our General Manager Dennis Evinrude with a plaque commemorating his 50th anniversary at Ausblick. What many may not understand is that Dennis has been at Ausblick since its inception, a remarkable achievement.

Dennis’ having been here for 50 years says it all. His vision and determination has made Ausblick Ski Area a unique brand; one where family and friends gather, wonderful friendships are developed, lasting memories are made and all while enjoying our love of snowsports.

Word of it has reached social media, prompting my sending this announcement out so that everyone is aware we decided to postpone the “Ausblick Celebration” into the 21-22 season due to any impact the pandemic might have had in limiting attendance while honoring Dennis’ milestone.

There will be a celebration, I expect a huge celebration sometime during the upcoming season.
Please watch for future announcements and along the way, give some thought on how Dennis may have played a small role in your life over the past 50 years. I’m thinking a very large Guest Book may be in order.

Bob Turowski – President, Ausblick Inc.

Ausblick June 2021 Newsletter

Summer seems to have finally arrived. Dennis, Kyle and crew are engaged in off-season club maintenance and preparing for what we all hope is a typical 2021-2022 snowsports season. This past season influenced many families to seek activities outdoors because of related pandemic restrictions. As a result, many guests were introduced to Ausblick Ski Club and the impact to our Waiting List was significant. Furthermore, we experienced 48 Ausblick Memberships that elected to choose Leave of Absence which, for the 2021-2022 Membership renewal, gives them the same re-enrollment status as last season’s active members. I point this out because it presents a potential issue with managing the filling of memberships for the coming season.

Our club By-Laws limit our Family, Associate and Single memberships to 400 active memberships which, along with the 48 Memberships that chose to go “Leave of Absence”, are typically the first wave of invoices sent out the first week in July. To further complicate things, we have 141 applications on the Wait List to join our snowsports club. The purpose of this correspondence is to make everyone aware of the potential that some members may not gain re-entry into the club for the upcoming season if a commitment is not acted upon in a timely manner.

After reviewing what we hope are reasonable options, we’ve decided upon the following to facilitate securing one’s membership for the 2021-2022 snowsports season.

  • All of the previous season’s 400 memberships and those 48 who elected to choose “Leave of Absence” for last season will receive e-mail invoices during the week of June 21st. To secure your membership, a minimum 30% deposit will be required by July 30th, with payment in full invoiced in September and due by October 1st.
  • September 1st, invoices to those on the Waiting List will begin to be sent out on an application date basis, to fill what remaining memberships are still or become available.

While we cannot predict the outcome of our membership renewal drive, we do see the possibility of getting back into the club potentially becoming an issue for those who delay their decision to secure a spot. The 48 on the Leave of Absence List represent nearly 100% of our typical annual turnover. Once we start invoicing the 141 on the Waiting List, available openings will fill quickly.

All invoices will be initially sent out via e-mail. Those that bounce will be sent their invoices via USPS. Invoice payments can be dropped off at Ausblick or by check mailed to Ausblick Inc. P.O. Box 207, Sussex, Wi. 53089. Payment dates will be determined by USPS post mark or date received at Ausblick.

We’re assuming a typical season at this point. The SnowSports School will fine tune programs for further enjoyment, Social Programs will be available and with some good fortune, last season’s pandemic will be simply a conversation among family & friends enjoying our club for yet another snowsports season.

Questions can be directed to Dennis Evinrude, Membership Chair @ 262-246-3090.

Have a Safe and Enjoyable Summer.

Bob Turowski, President – Ausblick Inc.