Ausblick Jan 2022 Newsletter

We’ve been open a month now and as most things follow patterns in life; the Holidays are behind us, routines are re-established and much has returned to normal. Typically that can be said for the Operations here at Ausblick, referring to seasonal personnel getting up to speed, Snowsports adjusting to the overwhelming demand this season and membership and guests settling into a new snowsports season at Ausblick.

As with every year, the first 30 days shake out a few experiences to be shared with a reminder in hopes of improving things, to which first is safety on the hill. To date there have been a couple incidents involving collisions while skiing which warrant reminding everyone on the hill to be aware of those around them at all times. Along the same lines, it’s very important to be aware of traffic in the parking areas. At times there are a lot of parents and children in these areas, so please proceed carefully while driving in the parking areas.

Many have commented about the huge increase in children frequenting our club over the past two years. This is a wonderful trend, although it does increase the odds of mistaken identity, not necessarily speaking of the kids, but certainly their equipment upon leaving the club. We’ve experienced several cases of kid’s equipment leaving with the wrong owner. Any parent will attest to the frustration that causes if one has a race or vacation approaching. Parents, please use some means to mark their equipment to facilitate recovering any lost equipment promptly. Those address tags everyone gets in the mail are an easy means of tagging equipment, among several other methods.

This season’s Membership Directories are now available at the front desk.  Please stop by and pick one up. There’s lots of interesting club info within it, including the contact information of the family who’s kid’s equipment mistakenly found its way to your home. J

Looking forward into the season, February’s schedule has another Ladies Day Scheduled on 2/17 and our second Men’s Day set for 2/22. Pictures of the January events are posted on the Ausblick website under the Photo’s tab.  Our Ski Patrol has scheduled their Annual Carnival for Sunday, February 27th this season. This is a very popular family event, so mark those calendars. Adult Wednesday Evenings are gaining popularity as the season progresses. Live Music has been scheduled for five consecutive Wednesday evenings starting 2/16. These are always popular “date nights” for members and guests.

Two important final reminders, first I’d like to recognize our Snowsports Director Lynn Mallach and her instructors for their efforts instructing all those kids taking advantage of our program lessons.  It’s so important our kids learn to ski & board for all the obvious reasons. We all benefit from their success with their students while skiing at Ausblick. With that in mind, I’d ask everyone to be mindful of their classes and students while on the hill. Secondly, I’d like to recognize Kyle Martola and his operations team for the great job they’re doing maintaining our ski runs and lift operations. Without their efforts and creativity in grooming, getting us to the top, etc.………. well, use your imagination. Kudo’s to all.

Wrapping this up with a reminder we’re celebrating Dennis Evinrude’s 50th year as General Manager here at Ausblick on Saturday, March 12th. February into April is when the weather warms up, Membership use increases, the deck becomes the place to hang out and all sorts of new friendships and memories are made. It seemed only fitting that celebrating Dennis’ anniversary during our “high season” was the perfect time to recognize his achievement. Please mark your calendar for the event and watch for future details regarding the “event of the 21-22 season” here at Ausblick Ski Club.

Bob Turowski – President
