Ausblick September 2019 Newsletter

The Farmers’ Almanac, which provides 16 months of weather forecasts for 7 zones in one compact book, is predicting that winter will be……….

While the forecast above is only “one” opinion, there have been a few early mornings here at Ausblick where the autumn air has caught our attention. A great number of you must also be paying attention to the weather as our Membership renewals appear to be well ahead of our typical pace. With that in mind, it’s important to note that if you haven’t received your membership renewal yet, please contact us so we can ensure you’ll be part of the fun this season. Unanswered renewal opportunities will be offered to families on our Waiting List in the near future. For those renewing, please update your contact information as you renew your Membership.

Our Annual Membership Ski Sale will take place Sunday, October 13th from 12/noon until 2:00pm. As in the past, Sale items can be turned Friday, Oct. 11th (4:00-6:30pm) and Saturday, Oct.12th (1:00-3:00pm) only.  As a reminder, items for Sale can only be checked in by current 2019-2020 Members. Opportunities to purchase are available to everyone Sunday, October 13th, starting at 12-noon. Doors close at 2pm.  Our Ski Sale event relies entirely upon Member Volunteers, and while those with former experience are asked to return on a priority basis; often we’re in need of a few replacement volunteers to backfill openings.  If you might be interested, please send Dennis Evinrude an e-mail stating your interest and we’ll get back to you as the need presents itself.

General Manager Dennis Evinrude and his staff continue to prepare for the upcoming ski & snowsports season, and in the event that the above forecast may be slightly off, they’re working on the installation of a second high capacity pump to our snow-making system to step up the volume of snow we can make should Mother Nature decide to simply gives us the cold shoulder.

And on another note, this is the time of year we begin advertising the employment opportunities we have for the coming season. While it is our policy not to employ immediate family of Ausblick Members (SnowSports School is the exception), we realize that your high school and college age children may have friends interested in working at Ausblick during the season. We offer a competitive wage and the opportunity to ski & snowboard at Ausblick with their friends. For more information, have them contact G.M. Dennis Evinrude.

In the next few weeks the Board and Dennis will be finalizing the upcoming season’s events to be posted on the website calendar.  Our spring survey results indicated our website is the most popular means of staying current with membership.  We do appreciate knowing that and will continue to post important information for your availability and reference, along with sending out periodic Constant Contact Messages for distribution.

Remember, the Ski Sale will be here soon. It’s time to start sorting out those items to pass on down throughout the Ausblick Family.


Bob Turowski

President – Ausblick Ski Club